ドイツ北部からの メール

友人の Mr.Clement ご夫妻に 次女の結婚写真を数点添付してメイルしたら、以下のようなお祝い文と、ご夫妻の写真と ドイツ北部の秋の花の写真が添付されてきましたので、ここに掲載します。暇な人はお読み下さい。

Hi Kanji San,

thank you for the very nice fotosession you made from Masako and Hirohiko marriage. I must say that she is a beautifull girl in the creme-white-, aswel in the pink dress. All the people on the foto's looks all very happy. You aswel, special the one with Yoko and you in smoking dress super foto's!! I can imagine that you hat a wunderfull evening with your familie. Yoko looks also very nice in her dress, and I can believe that you are very proud of your familie. The hors d'oeuvre as I could see on the foto looks very good!!

Yes Kanji that's life !!!! For you, the second daughter now married and only your son Chindy is not married yet. But.... so is one child after the other, going his own way, that's there live !! They will start there own familie now!! So you can hope to be grand father in the near future !!

Kanji I have send by post a small present for the young married couple. I send it to your adress, in Kamakura. I think you will bring it to Masako and Hirohiko. OK ??

Jannie and I like to invite Masako and Hirohiko to come to Daldorf in spring 2006. We will pick them up at the Hamburg Airport, and they can stay in Daldorf aslong as they like. We will make trips to Lubeck, Hamburg, Danmark, and Kiel. In June is Kieler Week, in that week there are a lot of programs in Kiel. You know it, you have been in Kiel during Kieler Week !! We would go for side seeing, shopping, Museums etc. Kanji the same offer is for you, if you like to come in sommer to Daldorf, you know, you are always welcom, you can stay aslong as you will !!

Kanji as attached some autumn impressions from a garten of a friend of us in Daldorf. The October was beautifull, colorfull threes in red, orange, yellow, " Golden October "!! I love it ! Also a painting of Franz Marc, I am just finisched with it( France impressionist ). If you like I will paint for you a Franz Marc painting. Look in the Web side ( Google, - Images, - Franz Marc )you find many paintings of them, and make your choise. Now I work on paintings of Alexej von Jawlensky Expressionist painter. I will send you in the next EMail some impressions of his paintings.

Do Masako and Hirohiko like paintings???

Kanji, for to day it is enough.
Regards to your familie Rudi San and Jannie San


右の花は 日本の ホトトギス とほとんど同じようです!

尚、Daldorf はドイツ北部、キール市、リューベックデンマークに近い村で、北海道の気候と似ています。 ホルスタイン地方とも呼ばれ酪農が盛んです。