Kamakura News (1)

元旦に鶴岡八幡宮へ初詣に行ったら、露店がたくさん開店していたので デジカメで パチリ! パチリ! 特に北ドイツ Daldorf にお住まいの Rudi-San から、日本の字の読み方と意味を教えてェ〜!という E-Mail を頂いていたので、英語にして説明するのが大変、写真の方が一目瞭然なので、この Blog で間に合わせますョ〜!☆ 居酒屋、☆ 餃子、 ☆ お好み焼き、☆ 焼き鳥、☆ ラーメン・・・

Hi Rudi-San
How is going for the New Year 2008 ? I am enjoying 1st to 3rd day of the New Year, we call it OSYOGATU, especialy 1st of January called GANTAN.
Mast people of Japanese go to a shrine near their houses on the morning of New Year's day.
On this day people and I prey to to the gods for good luck during this Year 2008.
I visited my eldest brother's home in Yokohama and met nieces today.

I will try to explanation of IZAKAYA (Label Nr.79-21), GYOOZA (Label Nr.79-13), OKONOMIYAKI (Label Nr.79-2), YAKITORI (Label Nr.79-6), RAAMEN (Label Nr.79-11) by Photos and Words, OK ??
Those photos were took at the precient of Hatimangu-shrine in Kamakura by Kanji Jan 1st 2008.
Kind Regards.

Japanese Lantern. One of Japanese-food, ODEN.

Left side is ODEN, which is food boiled and seasoned.
Right side is YAKITORI. which is the Grilled-Chickin
with special-sauce.

Street Stall, Letters are SAKE, BEER, YAKITORI from the

YAKITORI dish. Label Nr. 79-6.

Photo by Kanji. Jan. 1st. 2008. in the precinet oh Hatimanngu-shrine, Kamakura.