Kamakura News (3)

次は 「餃子」、これは八幡宮境内の露店では見つからなかったので、伯爵家の冷凍庫から探し出しそれを焼いたので、手間隙を掛けた写真になりますョ〜

Next one is GYOOZA (Label Nr.79-13). I could not find the GYOOZA-shop in the precinct of Hatimannguu-shrine. Therefor, I will show you it in my kitchen from the freeze-box. OK??
The original GYOOZA and LAAMEN (Label Nr.79-11) are chainese-food ! We can eat those dishes so popularly in the small restaurants.

It takes about 5 minuts by fry-pan !!

Fryied GYOOZA !! The ingredient are any kinds of meat and vesitables.
I do not know, what kind of meats are used in freezed-GYOOZA ??
When we eat it, attaching soy-sauce with vinegar.

The photo of rightside is tipical Japanese food, we call it NIMONO.

Tipical Japanese dish, named NAMASU !!
The ingedients are sliced raw radish, carrot and fish-egg.
NAMASU seasoned with sugar, salt and vinegar. The taste is good !!

Photo by Kanji. Jan. 2nd. 2008. at my kitchen in Kamakura.