For freinds of over the world !!

ドイツにお住まいの 友人から、この ブログ写真は奇麗に見えるけど 日本語が読めないョ〜、というメールが下記のように入ってしまいました。 ブログは Homepage なので世界中に散らばっている友人知人の他、誰でも見られるので なるべく英文の コメントも書かなくては・・・、しかし日常、英語を使っていないので 大変!

Hi, my freinds !!
I got an E-Mail from one of freind in Germany. It is as follow.

I have been looking on your homepage, ( )but I see only Miss World, see is Japonese, than some Musikinstruments, cats, garden, beaches, rosen, goldfisch, flowers etc,etc.
Notting regarding Australie ?? The problem is I can not read the page, all in Japanese !!
Can you give me a tip !! Or is there an translater avalable via internet ??

You can see the Blog Photos go back to two years.
And will get clear pictures on the monitor, if you click the Calendar of left side !
Please select, Month, Day and Year.

I was in Australia from April 9th to 18th, 2007. The article and photos are appearing on my Blog Diary from April 19th to 29th, 2007.
It is a pity, the most of letters are Japanese !! So sorry !!

May, 31(Th), 2007. Kanji Earl (Nick-Name)

Poteto's Flower in my garden, right side !

キンケイ菊、KINKEI - chrysanthemm


ご近所に咲く、ヒル顔? Convolvulus

花の名は? What's name the flower?