ロシア 旅行! Trip to Rusland part 2.

二通目の E-Mail には、モスクワ 周辺の都市 Yaroslavl, Gorizy, Kishi, で撮った写真が添付されて来ました。 歴史ある教会などの説明にはロシア語 以外に英語や ドイツ語でも書かれてあり、日本人観光客も多いそうです。 モスクワ やぺテルスブルク への観光は、夏に限るそうですョ〜!

古い教会の中では、5〜6人で唄う アカペラ の聖歌がとても良い雰囲気で、奥さんのJanny-San は聞き惚れ涙していたそうです。教会内部の響きが荘厳で、アコースチックであったからでしょうか・・・? 歌の詩や宗教感が理解されるからでしょうか・・・?

船内では飲食するだけでは無く、各種のアトラクションがあって船客を楽しませていたようです。ロシア の歌やダンス、ウオッカ の試飲、キャプテン や船員 との情報交換も良く、操舵室の見物もできたそうです。
伯爵 Janny-San

Rudy-San、togather with Russian-Girl on the Board.


Old church in the River.

Old church !!

Hi Kanji-san,
Here comes part two of our Rusland tour. This time the fotos are from Yaroslavl, Gorizy and Kishi. I hope I don't bother you to much with all those fotos, but I think this country is very different to that what we know regarding Rusland.

I both different books from the citys we have been visited, and all the histories are writen in English and German, but also many in Japanese!!! Kanji if you ever have a chance to go to Rusland, than try to make the tour from Moskau to Petersburg, but only in summer !!!

In many churches we had singers, and they song so typical russian church songs, acapella, also 5 or 6 singers, no musik only singers. It was very nice. Jannie always have sentimental feelings, by such music, she has tears in her eys !!!
I must say it is very nice so old traditional russian songs, a lot of admosphere, melangolic, trust, but with a very good acoustic in the church.

During the trip we had also program on board, also not only eating and drinking. We hat a Neptune-Party on board with a lot of fun. Musik group was playing, Russian lessons, Russian dansing, etc. Every day we had a info to the trip on that day, so you always where good informed what happend that day. The information on board was very good.

We also had the vodka tests, and the visiting on the bridge with the captain and the 1 officer, the machine room with all the technic on board. Was all very interesting for us, to see how that all works.

Kanji that was part 2
Solong and regards to the family, and part 3 comes next.