ロシア 旅行! Trip to Rusland part 3.

三通目の E-Mail には、船内の食事が美味しく Capten-dinner の夕べなども有って サービスが行き届いていたことなどが書かれてありましたが、 暗かったソ連時代の名残(なごり)でしょうか・・・?笑顔や陽気さが今一歩・・・、のようです。

Janny-San & Rudi-San in Boad.

Hi Kanji-san,
It is again a rainy day, that means I can send you some more fotos from the Rusland trip. This time the small city of Mamdrogi and Petersburg. The Katherina Palast. As usual on board you have one night the captains-dinner. The whole crew say hello, and wish you a good appetit. The food was excellent, and the service super. The Russian people learn quick, good service means good money !! To be friendly is not so Russian style !! But I can understand, then during the Sovjets Republik there was not much time for smilling !!

Kanji, solong I prepere the rest of the fotos in the next E-Mail

Regards Rudi


Katherina-Palace ?

Katherina-Palace ?

ロシアには 金がたくさん有るので お城の中は、金ピカ・・・

Katherina-Palace ?

Photo by Rudi-San.