ロシア 旅行! Last photos from Rusland.

ロシア旅行、最後の E-Mail と写真!ぺテルスブルク の 有名な ペトロフ宮殿 (Petrhof. Great Cascade. The Samson Fountain.)、この城は ロマノフ王朝時代 Zar Alexander の夏用に造られたもので、今は庭を含めてすっかり改修され世界各地から、そして南ロシアの他、コーカサスウラジオストック などからも来る大勢の観光客で賑わっています。

時には、日本に居た時の古い写真アルバムを見て、京都や奈良の神社仏閣を想い出します。特に金閣寺銀閣寺・・・、Kanji-San も ドイツ に居た時の写真を見て、古き良き時代を思い起すことでしょう・・・

Hi Kanji-san,
Her the last fotos from Rusland. This is the part of Petersburg with the name of Peterhof. It was the summer residense from the Zar Alexander and the Romanovs generation. Since they have made the renovation it looks beautifull, also the garten is very nice. You see the many people who comes to see the Peterhof, not only from outside like tourists, but also lokal people, or from the south of Russia. Some of them comes from the Kaukasus or Wladiwostk.

Sometimes I think back on the time we went together to the temples of Kyoto, or Nara, you remember??? Kingkagushi ? and the Ginkaguchi ? The silver and the golden temples. Together with you we have seen a lot of temples in the time I was in Japan. Yesterday I have seen my fotoalbum from Japan. Wel Kanji that was the good old time !!!! I think you have the same feeling if you look to the old pictures from your time in Germany ??

Kanji, for today enough regarding Russia. I send you one more mail from Tesse and Wiebke and Michel Ok ??

Kanji Solong and regards to the Family

Rudi and Jannie

PS. Regards from Harry- and Inge-san.

Gold-Statue in Peterhof Garden.

Peterhof Garden.

Janni-San, togather with Photographer !!

Russian Portrait, like Place du Tertre in Paris !!

Photo by Rudi-San. 2007.